SO sad.
Next, make sure you have money set aside for dates. Saving money is boring and you need something fun to do sometimes. Our most recent experience with budgeting and money was trying to buy a car. We had our budget for monthly payments worked out, but we all know how things NEVER go as planned. We had everything worked out with our dealer and suddenly money started to double, the numbers were not matching up. To say I started panicking was an understatement. They tried to pressure us, which made us both want to leave that much more. When you are making a huge purchase decision you need your head on straight. They set you up real nice with a seat overlooking the perfect car you picked out and they shove papers in your hand and try to rush you. BIG PURCHASES SHOULD NEVER BE RUSHED. Go home and think about it, once you get out of that situation you will be so relieved that you didn't do something stupid.
The way we worked out our monthly budget goes as follows
- PAYMENTS THAT NEED TO BE MADE: rent, car payments, phone bills
- MONEY TO LIVE: gas, groceries, fun (a small amount of course)
The rest should be broken up into savings and emergency fund. (you WILL need it someday, trust me)
Once you get a good grasp on this whole budgeting thing, start paying off debt, saving for a vacation or large purchase.
It really SUCKS saving up, but you will feel so much better when you aren't looking into an empty fridge and pantry, with your card balance showing the lovely $0.00. We HAVE been there, take my advice :)
**Learn to budget.**
and tithing :)